
Queensland Cricket: Return to Play Update

Dear Club and Association volunteers and officials,

Re: Restrictions and Return to Play Update

Below you will find links to the latest updates from Queensland Government and Cricket Australia on restrictions and returning to play.

The staged approach is in line with directions from National Cabinet and Queensland’s Roadmap to easing restrictions. As the end of each stage approaches, the Sport & Recreation Department will review the situation and health advice and directives to make sure it’s safe to move on to the next stage.

Note the Stage 1 restrictions in Queensland now specify “no formal organised individual or team community sport or training (unless an exemption is approved)”. At this stage it is also not guaranteed that all parts of Stages 2 and 3 will be able to be implemented.

It is important to note that at all stages the maximum number of people includes players, coaches, officials, spectators and any other person around the gathering in addition to staff, trainers and instructors.

The Queensland Government has also established a website which features up-to-date information via www.covid19.qld.gov.au/returntoplay including a guidebook, fact sheets, frequently asked questions and a checklist. The resources on the site will be updated regularly as we move through the stages and to reflect the latest health advice. The guidebook especially will act as a single point of information to better understand the easing of restrictions and what that means for each

stage. Cricket’s Return to Play policies and procedures will be informed by these guides.

https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/government-actions/roadmap-to-easing-queenslands- restrictions/sport/restrictions

https://www.community.cricket.com.au/clubs/policies/covid-19-faq Kind regards,

Michael Fisher
Clubs and Competitions Manager Queensland Cricket

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